
Y&R: #AdvertisingIs

Celebrating Y&Rs 90th birthday with an open discussion on, what #advertisingIs to you.


Instead of making the conversation solely about Y&R, we used our 90th Anniversary as a platform to open up conversation on what advertising is to the people who work in it and experience it every day.

#AdvertisingIs prompted people to voice their opinions, and as the tweets came in we projected them in Times Square. We also created a digital mosaic that came together with every tweet and participants from all over the world could watch their tweet appear in Times Square through a live stream.

Next thing you know, we created a worldwide discussion with which the industry’s biggest players and brands participated—which ultimately led to Advertising Week creating a conference inspired by it.


Role: Creative Direction


Driving conversation and engagement across the world.


Inspiring a conference

Throughout the day, as submissions poured in and users saw their names and faces in the middle of Times Square, one key publisher picked up the activation and worked with Y&R to develop a conference to continue the conversation.